
I am not a person

Who gets lost easily.

I don't adapt.

I force my environment

To adapt to ME.

My personality

Is not malleable.

I am a rock

Crashing into water.

I sink

And sink

And sink

In new situations

Like I'm drowning

But I never reform

Into something that could float

I never give in

I never give up

I never know when to quit

And eventually

My environment

Stops trying to make my life miserable

And accepts


That I cannot be changed

By anyone.

The problem is

I met someone

Several years ago

Who changed me like heck

And I couldn't control it

So I let them.

They didn't mean to

But they did.

They're not in my circle anymore.

Maybe that means they never were.

But now

I am a solid rock


No one messes with a rock.

No one should.

They know better.

This year


I was put

In an impossible situation

With people I don't understand

At all

And who I try and try and try

To see eye-to-eye with

But it never works

They never meet me halfway.

They hate me

For no reason at all.

I try

So freaking hard

To understand them

Their perspective

Like a writer should

But they just keep snapping at me

For no reason.

I didn't do anything to them.

I won't adapt to them.

They need to adapt to me.

But they won't.

They are stubborn

And annoying

And mean

And horrible

And I 




It feels like

The rock that is me

Has found other rocks

And none of us

Are willing 

To take that step

To survive.

I will sink and sink and sink

If it kills me

Just to prove

That I sunk further than they did.

I will never








13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Snowfall

     The snow comes down in big flakes

    Wet, but puffy

    Pleasing and cold

    Landing on my nose

    My cheeks

    My eyelashes.

    It is officially winter.

    The giddiness that comes with the first snowfall

  • Dreaming


    Like floating

    In the impossible abyss of unknown.


    Becomes conscious

    Becomes something

    Not quite reality

    Not quite not reality.

    Dreams are an in between

  • Falling Clouds

    The sky is falling

    Like a drop tower

    Plummeting towards the ground.

    The sky is falling

    The ground is giving way

    The earth has stopped spinning

    The sun has stopped shining.

    The sky is falling