
As the vibrant watercolor stained sky performed its dance with the clouds,
The sun slowly dipped into the sea,
Casting golds and pinks across the cool waves,
Gull's songs drifted through the salt-filled evening breeze,
And the sails billowed above;
As you and I drift through the sea,
In our small boat,
We sing chanteys of water dragons and mermaids;
We sing until the sun's rays have succumbed to the dark starlit sky,
With the moons thin crescent hanging droopily above;
The sea becomes a deep, 
Ominous black,
And then we are surrounded by the obsidian,
Shrowding from above and below;
We wait,
With only the quiet lapping of the waves,
For dawn to come,
For the next day to rise with the sun,
And for it all to begin anew.




17 years old

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