Schools Should Allow Cell Phones

Ever since January of 2024, a cell phone ban was put into effect in my school district except at lunchtime. I believe this is irrational and absurd. I understand that some students abuse their privileges and use them irresponsibly when given the opportunity, but that doesn't mean cell phones should be banned for everyone. Many students bring cell phones to school for safety as a way to contact their parents if needed. For example, my friend's sister had to be driven to the hospital because of an emergency, and she was not able to be informed that she would not have anyone to drive her home from school. Fortunately, our teacher was generous enough to let her use her phone to contact another family member so she would be able to go home. However, some people might not get so lucky in situations like these. Many teachers are very strict about the new 'Cell Phone Policy' and enforce it to their upmost ability. If a family emergency were to occur, how would a student know? It's absurd that everyone in my school district has to suffer because of a small group of students. 

Posted in response to the challenge Absurd.



14 years old

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