


How exciting.

I think my teachers are trying to kill me.

They assign lots of assignments

Worksheets, sometimes a quiz

Normally I wouldn't mind

But I'm not a math whiz.

I stumble through task after task until

My brain is exploding

And I have more worksheets still.

I think I made up a new math rule 

But it makes sense.

I think I created a new word

But it happened by chance.

I fumble and mumble and try to make it make sense.

"Sequence this story" - no thanks, can I pass?

Normally I love ELA

But lately it's a pain in the...butt.

Fifty math problems due

By the end of next week.

I try to focus

But my decimals skills are weak.

I'm rusty and confuzzled

And really quite tired

Technically, instead of writing poetry,

I should be doing my work,

But I don't want to be productive - the decimals hurt.

I wish it all to go away

Disappear with my stress

But I'm not so lucky

Anyways, I digress.

My homework is devouring me

I don't want to do it

I could get it over with now

But I'm not that good.

I'll complain in frustration,

Make up excuses

But in the end it'll get done

By my own silly rules.



13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Teenhood

    There should be a word

    For ages thirteen through seventeen.

    There should be a word

    Like childhood or adulthood

    That describes

    Being a teenager.

    Adolescence is one, yes

    But it doesn't fit.

  • Timeless

    I wanted to stay there forever

    Under that tree with you.

    I wanted to lie there

    Live beneath the sky's blue.

    I wanted to look at the constellations at night

    And name the clouds' shapes in the daytime.

  • Irreplaceable


    Is us

    You and I


    Joking and laughing from things like the weather

    To ghost cows and weird books and crazy ideas

    To fanfictions and emails and drafts we'll never send.