How exciting.
I think my teachers are trying to kill me.
They assign lots of assignments
Worksheets, sometimes a quiz
Normally I wouldn't mind
But I'm not a math whiz.
I stumble through task after task until
My brain is exploding
And I have more worksheets still.
I think I made up a new math rule
But it makes sense.
I think I created a new word
But it happened by chance.
I fumble and mumble and try to make it make sense.
"Sequence this story" - no thanks, can I pass?
Normally I love ELA
But lately it's a pain in the...butt.
Fifty math problems due
By the end of next week.
I try to focus
But my decimals skills are weak.
I'm rusty and confuzzled
And really quite tired
Technically, instead of writing poetry,
I should be doing my work,
But I don't want to be productive - the decimals hurt.
I wish it all to go away
Disappear with my stress
But I'm not so lucky
Anyways, I digress.
My homework is devouring me
I don't want to do it
I could get it over with now
But I'm not that good.
I'll complain in frustration,
Make up excuses
But in the end it'll get done
By my own silly rules.
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