Set Ablaze

My knees are scraped raw,
my fingers calloused from years
of braiding the strings in sequence,
silently praying to all the gods
I don't believe in. As I lie
on the dirt-covered ground,
the blinding blue sky burning
my eyes, feeling all my hope
deflate like a balloon, I look
at each scar on my hands
each made from the patterns
of time molding itself into me,
It burns like a thousand suns
just waiting to finally stop hurting,
just waiting until the moon
becomes a wildfire and the sky
turns red. Hope is set ablaze
in this prairie of pain where
left and right are lost in the light.
Alas, braiding the strings
in sequence, the sun will swallow
me whole against the no longer
blue sky burning my eyes,
I pray to those cursed gods
that these scars will burn
with me and time will mold
itself into my skin until I become
ever-burning ashes, scattering
the land that no one will ever see.

@star @EvieC
Thank you!



15 years old

More by elise.writer

  • january to july

    in the months of darkness and cold, i never stopped writing.

    i just kept it all to myself. every night, my own religion

    pages of pen poised on paper, pouring my heart out

  • butterflies

    i don't want to love someone

    because i'm supposed to

    you told me, one night in mid-july.

    warm air and sun fading in the sky,

    i want to fall in love with someone

  • lotus

    i've heard this story a thousand times before.

    i've seen it unfold. it started with a glance, became a smile,

    became a longing. when i realized it was my turn,

    i was too late. no one told me how hard it would be