This Shared Moment

Warm eyes staring back at me,

shining with love as full as the sea.

Smiles shared as the time ticks by.

We see no one but each other,

as we dance our hours away,

gleefully happy in each others presence.

We know that nothing lasts forever,

but to us, this moment will.

It’ll haunt the depths of our minds late at night.

As we’ll think of every fond moment in great light.

This love may not last, but our shared glances,

our shared giggles, laughter, and joy will.

For what’s the point of living if we don’t cherish it?



16 years old

More by Writer1326

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    Losing someone you love,

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  • Untitled?

    When the chaos of the day 

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    and the serenity of night descends, 

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  • Intertwined

    When only the stars shine,

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