Six Shortest Months

Woah Woah Woah.
No way.
Are you sure.
Sure your sure. 
How can it be August when last month, I swear, was March? 
I blinked all of two seconds, now school is in a month.
(...Less? How!?)
June was seven days I promise.
May was maybe four
Did April even happen?...Seven hours, maybe more.
And March dragged on forever,
while July we had the fourth 
Septemeber's in eleven days. 
Should we go to court,because these last four months..
(...SIX!? Really?)
Have been a jumbled bunch for sure. 
A spider silk of tangled hair
Where did half the year just go??
(WAIT. Its been half a year. Really?)
Blink and March just happned (wow)
Jump and then its August,
Sneeze and there are fireworks,
April was the longest
June once waved hello (G'bye!)
May- where did it go?
And soon it is Septemeber
And I swear there will be snow



YWP Alumni Advisor

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