This is Skinny Love

This is not for the chaotic ride.
You must stick with until done--
scream at the top and sob at the bottom--
last until you are the only one. 

This is not for the feeble heart.
You must mend the gory wounds
and not mind the itching of scabs
to see the scarring all through.

This is not for the pleasure of life.
You must grab the core of my soul
and rip out the infection before disease
infests my body and does a fatal toll. 

This is not for the weak-minded.
You must hold my tremoring hand 
and hold me down when I cry for release
as I crumble at the last stand.

This is not for the long lasted.
You will grieve the nights I am not home
and pound fists into the ground of my grave,
but you will remember how I loved you some.

Sawyer Fell


18 years old

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