Starving Stars

starving has the word "star" in it so maybe this hunger is celestial; old as the big bang; old as matter. i want to matter to you more than the air you breathe. i want you to take impolite bites and chew until i am nothing but a grumble in your stomach. you stare at this bare plate of greek discoveries: my orion, my cassiopeia, my sirius. i am empty calories; cosmic dust stirring in your chest cavity. the constellations you purged form a vast night sky in the stratosphere. store away my leftover neutrons for tomorrow nite. pour my milky way until the big and small dippers are nothing but shadows. take me; steal every particle; ensnare every moon; deprive every wave of light; take my everything until there is nothing left, not even a stomach to starve.

Sawyer Fell


18 years old

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