Taking Candy From a Baby

Yes, it may be easy 
To abruptly rip something euphoric 
From the hands of a growing human
Who is fresh into this world of cruelty
Learning the shapes and colors of life
And introduce the harsh reality 
Sooner rather than later. 

But why not let it marinate?
While the child still contains joy
While the child still sees the candy
As only candy and not cavities;
While they have the smile of a
Dentist office poster board.

They do not have the strength
To fight back, or to voice concern, or
To advocate for their rights to candy.
All they have is the older generation,
Who has had candy stolen, crushed, 
Eaten right in front of their faces
As tears poured down their rosy cheeks. 

Yes, it may be easy
To continue to be greedy and take
More than what we need or want, 
But it is truly far easier
To see this exuberant baby 
And to realize we were a baby once.

Sawyer Fell


18 years old

More by Sawyer Fell