Teeth and Tongue

Teeth tears through the enemy;
searing past the layers, seizing 
its dense core and shreds it.

Tongue saunters the problem;
suave in its protest against the
brutal violence that is seen daily. 

Teeth rids itself of childhood;
soldiers abandoning innocence 
on the fatal battlefield. 

Tongue boasts its soothing voice
and abundance of free will, it
sings of charity and peace. 

Teeth grapples death by his throat
and savagely rips the voice box
from his almost unbreakable body.

Tongue caresses life's rosy cheeks
and pours its love into her like wine
to a bottomless glass. 

Teeth despises Tongue and its glory
to speak; as Teeth is the muzzle
and abhors its blunt clacking sound. 

Tongue adores Teeth, though;
pressing lovingly against its back,
always there to bestow much praise.

Teeth knows it cannot live without Tongue,
Tongue knows it cannot live without Teeth. 
They know their time is short, so they love.

Sawyer Fell


18 years old

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