Tim The Talentless Tester

Once upon a time, in the early 19th century, there lived a young man named Tim who was known for his wild imagination and love for creating new inventions. He was kinda a joke to the rest of the town like “oh don’t go hanging out with the Tim fellow. His ideas will poison your mind.” The townspeople would joke. One day, while wandering through the countryside, he stumbled upon a strange object that had fallen from the sky. It was a small, shiny device unlike anything he had ever seen before.


Curious, Tim picked up the device and examined it closely. It had a smooth, rectangular shape with a large screen on one side and a few buttons on the other. It was light to the touch and emitted a soft glow that seemed to come from within. Intrigued by this mysterious object, Tim decided to take it home and study it further.


As he sat in his workshop, tinkering with the device, he discovered that it was called a "smartphone." It was a device that allowed people to communicate with each other, access information from around the world, take pictures, listen to music, play games, and so much more. Ethan was amazed by all the possibilities this small device held within it.


Excited to share his discovery with others, Tim decided to explain the concept to a couple of his friends at the tavern later that night. Most of them were just there to get a laugh as most of Tim’s creations never worked. One by one they started filling into the tavern and once everyone got their drinks and settled down Tim began his speech.


"Imagine, my dear friends,"  Tim began, "a device that fits in the palm of your hand and can do all the things a messenger bird can do, but much faster and with much more information. It can send written messages, just like a letter, but it can also send pictures, play music, show moving images, and even connect you with someone on the other side of the world instantly.”


His friends were puzzled at first, but as Tim continued to paint a vivid picture with his words, they started to grasp the concept of a smartphone.


"Just think," Ethan said, "with a smartphone, you can carry a library of books in your pocket, listen to the latest music, watch plays and performances, chat with friends and family far away, and even capture memories with a built-in camera.


It's like having a magical box of wonders at your fingertips!" His friends listened in awe as Tim described the many features of a smartphone, from its touch screen interface to its ability to access the vast knowledge of the world wide web. They couldn't believe that such a device could exist in their time.


As Tim concluded his explanation, his friends were inspired by the possibilities of this new technology. They marveled at the knowledge of the human mind and the endless potential for innovation. Tim was now respected (he had forgotten to tell his friends that he didn’t make it, that he had just found it.) He was no more the strange inventor or wacky tester. He was a pub legend. (Everyone bought him drinks too).


And so, Tim’s tale of the smartphone spread through the countryside, sparking the imaginations of all who heard it. The world was forever changed by the vision of a young man who dared to dream beyond the confines of his time. Until one day he was sitting in his workshop when he heard a sound outside. He jumped up and ran outside to find a closet in his front yard. A person stepped out. “Hey, have you seen my phone? I'm pretty sure I dropped it here somewhere.” 


Posted in response to the challenge Smartphone.



16 years old

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