Tom Matt Private Eye

1715 Hours. Tom Matt Private Eye’s Office

It was a dark and stormy night. *thunder claps* I was sitting in my office at around 7, 7:15 to be exact. I was just starting out as a detective, no secretary and no assistant, probably because I like to work alone. I had only worked on small cases such as lost pets or minor shoplifts but this time stumbled across something real big, it was all there in the black in white. “Blowouts everywhere” the papers read. And something about a counterfeit tire ring. And a sale on futons at the mattress firm downtown that I still think is a money laundering scheme. I was about to check it out when she walked in. “Hello Matt” she said “What are you doing here Tia?” I said “It’s my sister Mia, she's been kidnapped!” She said, starting to cry. “Quit the water works where did you last see her?” “She was working for Big D.” *Thunder claps* “Big D you say?” I say intrigued looking through my newspapers. “She worked at his club The Carva Cabana.” I found the newspaper with the front page titled “Big D Opens Night Club.” “I’ll see what I can do.” I say walking out without another word.


1740 Hours. The Carva Cabana


I was sitting at a table watching the performance with the main singer doing a Spanish number with three other guys playing instruments. “Cha Cha Cha” they all sang, ending the song to applause. “Muchas Gracias” she said walking off the stage. She came to my table “you wanted to see me senior?” She said in a Spanish accent “I’m looking for Mia, have you seen her?” “Mia!” She spat at the floor “that ragdoll… I don’t remember.” “Well maybe this will help you remember.” I say putting a stack of bills on the table. “Hmm maybe.” She said, I rolled my eyes and put three more stacks on the table. Her face lit up in a smile “ohh now I remember. I saw her a couple of days ago with Big D.” “Where did they go?” I ask “I don’t know and I don’t care… but she smelled salty like the ocean.” “Thanks a lot” I said walking out of the club.


1800 Hours. A random alley way


I went to my good friend Stinky. I don’t think it’s his real name. It’s just because he’s a garbage man. If it is his real name I feel sorry for the guy. “Hey Stinky” I said. He looked up from the trash bin. “What’s the dirt on the street?” 

“I don’t know” he said 


“No they got me in the alleys dumping all these blowouts.” 

“Blowouts you say?”

 “Yeah blowouts, but it’s odd”


“They all have the same smell.”


“They smell salty”


“Yeah like the ocean”


“Yeah I haven’t smelled it since I worked at the docks”





“The docks!” I say running to my car “Thanks Stinky!” 

“Your welcome Matt.”


1845 Hours. The Docks


It was heavily patrolled, search lights and workers everywhere. I saw Mia on the other side of ten docks tied up. I put on an empty box and tried to sneak across. As I passed a group of guys playing cards one of them looked up and whistled. The guy controlling the crane looks around and takes the box right off me. Gasp goes around the dock and I see a big man emerge. “Big D!” I exclaim “Wait till I tell the PD” “You ain’t telling the PD nothing.” Three guys capture me from behind. “No!” Shouts a familiar voice. “Tia!” I say as I see her next to Big D. “You double crosser double crosser.” “I had no choice, it was the only way to save my sister.” She said, “Well you always did the right thing, just the wrong way.” I say as the three guys bring me to the edge of the dock. “Looks like we finally caught you Big D.” A voice says from the side of the dock. “Oh no Lieutenant Lameranth!” Says Big D. The dock workers throw barrels down at the PD. In all the commotion I fight the three guys and free myself. I push the button near the crane floor to spin it and it knocks down a box and hits Big D. The box collapses and tires spill out. “Hah, just what a thought, counterfeit tires!” I say. “Nice work Matt, you lead us right to him.”  Lameranth said “take him away boys.” Tia approaches me “lotta trouble you got me in Tia.” “Thanks for saving my sister Matt. Now let’s start where we left-.” But I had already gotten in my car and driven away.


Posted in response to the challenge Detective.



16 years old

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