A Tribute to Red

By Matias Citarella

When I think of red, I think of a dull sidewalk peppered with maple leaves full of color, ripeness, and energy. I think of a single cardinal cheering its bright call and breaking the monotonous white snow blanketing the cedar trees in my backyard. While red is far from my favorite color, it shows an energy that is lacking in every other color. But the special thing about red is that it can also be soothing. Think of a time right in the middle of a sunset when the hardwood floors are awash in yellow, orange, and red. For me at least, this is one of the most calming things I know, because it shows that all the raucousness and drama and maniacal energy of the day is finally coming to an end and night has arrived, quiet, soft, and dark. Red is often used as a color that shows negative emotions or thoughts, and that’s fine. But one should also recognize the beauty in red because it often is taken for granted.




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