Turning Around

I stare sadly
at the small 
make-shift grave
in the back yard
I'm beset by emotions
I will forever miss
the loud bark
that brought me back
to reality
on the cold 
dreary days
I will miss the shaggy fur
and the floppy ears
shaking from side to side
as he walked down the stairs
I will forever miss
the yells from my mum
"I'm gonna get that dog!"
as she stared at the dog hair
strewn over the couch
but I give a little smile
at the though
of my little buddy
up in dog hevan
prancing around
giving his lopsided smile
to anyone who walks past
he will be happy up there
and now
now that I know he is happy
I can be too.



16 years old

More by EverlastingWaves

  • Thoughts after the fair

    I’ve never enjoyed the feeling of being sick to your stomach on a fair ride. Maybe I just don’t have the iron-willed intestines that all of my friends seem to have, because I get sick from going on the teacups at a normal speed.

  • october, my love

    my love,
    it is good to see you once again.

    although it appears i have missed
    your grand entrance,
    while i left the room.

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    and looked up,
  • scratches

    skin pulled taut and tight
    burning like the light
    that seeps through cracks
    underneath the door

    from stray branches and walking
    throughout the woods, balking
    at the idea
    of no path

    water rests on skin