two paths to society

Two paths to choose. You can either be yourself or fit in with society.

 They say be yourself because everyone else is taken.

 But then how are you supposed to fit in? 

How are you supposed to feel useful?

 People have these stereotypes where you have to be skinny but not too skinny.

 You have to have straight hair.

 You have to wear certain things For boys to like you.

 You have to act happy but not too happy.

 You have to be  strong and hide your feelings.

 You can't tell anyone your real feelings. 

Or else you're weak. But if you hide all your feelings, 

you're secretive and untrustworthy. 

And people still wonder why girls and young women stare in the mirror and judge their body. 

People still wonder why girls and young women hate themselves. 

People still wonder why girls and young women are depressed. 




17 years old

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