What I Learned This Year In School

Even your favorite subject can be your hardest.  

Even the "smart ones" will fail. 

Even good grades become futile.  

Even a textbook won't teach you.   


Even your best isn't great.  

Even good dancers fall down.  

Even all medals aren't wins. 

Even running will slow you down.   


Even your old friends ignore you.  

Even secrets won't protect you.  

Even your mind will betray you. 

Even your newest friends can heal you.   


Even your cactus needs water. 

Even with rest you need fuel.  

Even your dreams just might work. 

Even your wishes might come true. 


Even routines can bind you.  

Even a formula has faults.  

Even your past doesn’t define you.  

Even your future can become you.  


Even foundation won’t ground you.  

Even concealer won't hide you.  

Even bright colors can dim you.  

And even waterproof eyeliner 

has nothing on tears.  



15 years old

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