What a strange ... dream?

I had a dream I overslept
and forgot to brush my teeth!
I ate a stale frittata,
and a couple bites of beef.
Wore a pink and yellow sock,
forgot my keys my doors unlocked,
and threw a load of laundry in
because I tripped over the bin.
Lugged my book-bag out the door,
put on my shower shoes,
missed the bus by twenty minutes,
so had to bike to school.

Almost hit a squealing pig
(it might have been the owner),
ruined someone else's grass
as I sped around the corner.
Forgot my essay back at home
and lucky me, forgot my phone;
somehow my mother heard me curse
(and, yes, somehow that's even worse).
Did a presentation
in my shower shoes and pj's,
cheated on a math test 
and got busted (as always).
Was sent down to the office
and the teacher gave me tea ...
we talked about her puppy
and Harry Potter three.

Scuttled down to lunch 
where I spilled tomato soup down my shirt –
someone thought that I was bleeding
(or very, very hurt).
Another thought this meant a mouse
was skittering through the room.
The cafeteria exploded in shrill voices and food ...
Got taken in an ambulance 
(the 'mouse' had bit my arm),
the rest of school was canceled
(someone pulled the smoke alarm).
The animal patrol was called
(cause that 'mouse' became a 'bear'...)
and my crushing was sitting next to me
(in purple underwear?)
So, now, I'm in a hospital room
with the principal and her pup ...
And I thought that I was dreaming
And yet – I haven't woken up???



YWP Alumni Advisor

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