Am I really someone
that can make a differnce?
I'm just a little girl
with a small voice
I still have a voice
sometimes its immensly
even extrodinairily small
and most people don't hear it
I have friends
wether I've seen them
or they just love a poem
about my thoughts
and they hear my voice
I like to think
I'm being myself
and making a differnce
when someone asks
"Who are you?"
I'll say:
"I'm myself.
and I'm making a difference."
that can make a differnce?
I'm just a little girl
with a small voice
I still have a voice
sometimes its immensly
even extrodinairily small
and most people don't hear it
I have friends
wether I've seen them
or they just love a poem
about my thoughts
and they hear my voice
I like to think
I'm being myself
and making a differnce
when someone asks
"Who are you?"
I'll say:
"I'm myself.
and I'm making a difference."
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