Winter Has Come
I wake up
Dreams still fresh
On my mind
I dash
To the frosty window
And let my shoulders slump
The thinnest layer
Of flakey, dry snow
Clings to the brown grass
No snow, no winter
But I am forever wrong
For winter is not in the mind
Not the snow that falls in big flakes
No, winter is in the heart
Winter is sitting around the crackling fire
Listening to the sound of family
And knowing that you are home
I wake up
Dreams still fresh
On my mind
I dash
To the frosty window
And let my shoulders slump
The thinnest layer
Of flakey, dry snow
Clings to the brown grass
No snow, no winter
But I am forever wrong
For winter is not in the mind
Not the snow that falls in big flakes
No, winter is in the heart
Winter is sitting around the crackling fire
Listening to the sound of family
And knowing that you are home
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