Witness to my Life

A bracelet.

The bracelet.

There's a difference.

For me, my bracelet is the bracelet.

The bracelet of my dreams.

Of my story.

Of my past.

Of my life.

In a way, that bracelet has witnessed my life

In a glimpse

In a tiny snatch of time.

It's nothing fancy.

Not even store-bought.

I made it

At summer camp

With thread

In all the colors of the rainbow

Alongside my cousin

My cousin, my sister, my best friend

All in the same person

And new friends

I hadn't met yet

And everyone from that camp.

I loved that camp.

That bracelet bears witness to everything I did in that magical camp week.

The mosquito bites.

The forest walks.

The card games under the pavilion.

The fire pit.


It was a good week.

That bracelet holds all my memories from it

And the energy

And love

And community.

And I brought it with me into seventh grade too

And the rest of my summer

And everywhere

It's seen my life

From that first piece of thread

And all the twists and turns after it

To the point

Where I forget about it

And it ends up

In my closet

A relic of my summer

Lost in time

(and also closet junk).

Posted in response to the challenge Witness.



13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Yin and Yang

    And then there were two, 

    Sitting on a bench by the bus stop.



    Two kids - teenagers - then young adults.

    On different sides of the same story.

    One representing tails

  • Growing Pains

    Growing up isn't something you enjoy

    Unless you're, like,


    And the world is still golden,

    And you can't see

    The hourglass

    And the grains of sand

