The World I Want to Live In

By James Strouse

Tomorrow I hope that the people of this planet won’t be judged on their religious beliefs, their race, or their social class.
Tomorrow I hope that I’m loved and accepted for who I am, that I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not.
Tomorrow I hope that in class the teachers recognize me for my thoughts.
Tomorrow I hope that there won’t be poverty, homelessness, or famine.
That wars won’t tear apart countries and families all because of arrogant leaders.
That tomorrow we can go outside our houses without fear, that when we come together to support one another, we cheer.
Tomorrow I hope people won’t walk by each other and judge without getting to know them.
Tomorrow I hope that all teachers treat each student fairly.
Tomorrow I hope that no longer will teachers compare students' progress to each other but recognize all students for their unique character.
Tomorrow I hope that the world I live in is accepting to all.



YWP Instructor

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