Pretentious Noun

Whats in a name?
Seriously. I'd like to know.
Because whatever potion is in it,
Whatever voodoo can be woven into the syllables
Is seriously giving me a headache.
Since when did a word
A single word
Mean so much to me.
Not an adjective or a verb
I'm talking about one simple stupid noun.
What power does it have over everyone?
What power does it have over me?
Was it the star dust? Is that it?
Maybe it was sprinkled between the letters.
Or, could it be the magma?
Was this word shaped from molten rock?
Or what about gamma particles
Or the tears from a fairy
Or an eye from some strange reptile
That makes the entire word shimmer and glow 
And makes each syllable radiate heavenly evil.
Yes. Evil.
Because if this word, this noun, 
These letters arranged in such particular way,
Did not have this spell bound enchantment attached to it

Maybe I could see it for what it truly is.

And not be afraid, or uncertain, or put off by
the word itself.
The name bestowed with evil magic upon every syllable.
Maybe then I could think about these sounds
without getting, giddy, or high or scared or filled with doubt
yes doubt
For this word is not made with acetone, gold rain and plated jewels
It is only made in ink!
Why then, can I not see past the bedazzled script
And magical potions it has on it.
I am blinded by the meaning placed behind the words
False advertising
And the fact that I did not give meaning to them, only absorbed someones else's.  
So, whats in a name?
This pretentious imposter could all be an illusion.
And I have no spell to protect myself from only seeing its lies.



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