It Just Happens

I’ve never really understood why people treated others differently based on the color of their skin. No one deserves to be hurt or abused because of something they can’t control. It is the same with LGBTQ+; they can’t control how they feel, it just… happens.

    No one can control the feelings they have. They can either let their feelings take control, and feel better on the inside and allow yourself to be a better person not only for others but for yourself. Or you can trap yourself in a place where you think every feeling for someone you have is wrong, and that you have to pretend to please other people.

    It’s the same thing with skin color. They can’t control it. It’s just something that happens by chance, and they shouldn’t be called names or lose their job because of something they were given without a real option for something else. No one deserves that. Not one person on this planet should be abused because of something that have no way to control.

    I have learned about racism in school, and I’ve learned about homophobes because I am in a group of people where some of them belong to the LGBTQ+ community. It’s amazing to learn so much from people with those opinions, that sometimes I just sit and listen to their conversations, and I’ve always come to the same conclusion. 

    No one should be treated differently for something that they can not control. It is not right. They had no say in how they feel or what they look like. It is not their fault.



15 years old

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