Why must you control me!?!

“My coach told me I ran like a girl I told him if he ran a little faster he could too.” -Mia Hamm

Why am I never allowed to be who I want to be?
Why are you killing me with your cruel words?   
Why must you take the insecure ones and use them because of that?
Why is it that men destroy our dreams?
Why am I just a little dot with no control?
Why do you always think I’m nothing but your toy to mold and change?
Why am I yours why are you not mine?
Why am I never given credit when I have fulfilled something greater than you will ever?
Why do you think I’m not a threat when I could destroy you?
Why am I never thought to be just as strong and capable as you?  
Why do you think we are not destined to be strong and powerful women?
Why do you think we can not be heroes?
Why do you think I can’t reach the same heights and fame as you? 
Why am I never enough for you? 
Why do you shame me when I have done nothing to you?
Why do you teach me about old white men in history when behind each of them is a woman or a person of color?




16 years old

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