
By Henry Gentchos

Music has the ability to capture you like a fish. As it draws you in it will also push you away. “Wham,” just like that the song has lured you in as if you were a fish and it was a fisherman. Sometimes you don’t know or understand the music but it hits like a rock on a personal level. When the song ends it leaves you with a sense of completion and satisfaction. It gives you that feeling of being in a kitchen when someone is cooking. As you yearn for more music to fill the voids in your body, you end up leaving behind old songs that you have moved on from, like the view of an old house in the rearview mirror as you drive away in your dad’s car. As your quest for songs continues, you end up feeling like a small fish in a big sea of music with millions of species of artists and genres, constantly changing, recreating, or renewing.    



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