Why Must I read Through Slitted Eyes

Why must I read through slitted eyes
of all the news that does defy
the hope I have for humanity 
I squint so I don't see it be.
Why must I always brace myself
for all the yelling, calls for help
distress, mistrust, misleading lines
all of humanity this does defy.
Why must my hands be clasped in fists
why for the news I have to sit
because I'll fall and maybe sigh
why can't mankind try harder, why?
Why can't I read with open eyes
smiling face and heartened sighs
of relief of fires, floods, and bombs
diplomates, kitty cats, wonderful proms.
Why must I read through slitted eyes
all the news that does defy
the hope I have for humanity
we're better than this mankind...Aren't we?




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