I Knew Her in '05

She wanes in the sky, 
looming over the clouds and 
prancing upon the darkness above 
me. I knew her all 
too well, I knew her 

just well enough to know
how the highlights of her 
pearly skin glistened when I 
dreamt. How her velvety hair
made love to the wind 

and how the trees whistled 
as she traced the ridges 
in their bark. She was
grim and she was selfless. 
At least, with me she

was true. Most days I 
waited standing as her bride 
without a dress at the 
altar. I searched for her 
in the oceanic atmosphere, the 

clouds paved way for a 
bird or, perhaps, a seraph. 
Her favorite fruits were those 
so deeply saturated and were 
so tenderly pressed into spirits. 

In her eyes, the irises 
bloomed selfishly across the white 
meadows, and the glossy varnish 
accentuated her deer-like innocence. 
How frail yet stoic, how

youthful yet old-souled, how 
loved yet hated. And I
knew her well enough to 
know love was not something 
she knew how to share.

Sawyer Fell


18 years old

More by Sawyer Fell