A List

If my body is 60% water, the other 40% is made out of / Taylor Swift lyrics / poems I will never finish / speeches I want to write / directions to my sister's college / people I wish I could forget / sugary sweet iced coffee / really nice things said about me by children / really terrible things said about me by my peers / outfit ideas / the color pink / conversations I've had / Reeling in the Years by Steely Dan / existential dread / worries about tomorrow / academic burnout / the need for validation / advice people think I need / advice I am ready to give / motherly love for my friends / forehead kisses / Notes app drafts / things I want to tell them but will never leave my tongue / others' perceptions of me / my close friends' story posts / being scared for my sister / being hopeful for my friends / Criminal Minds, season 3 episode 9 / regret for my words / words that could kill / being the little girl that teachers sat next to the problem boy / I can fix him / wondering if people have thought they could fix me / smoke screens / encouragement from adults that I don't need / things I do for my friends so they feel loved / worry and regret / apologies I won't ever say / APUSH Quizlets / tears over things that I am afraid of / and probably, some atoms.




18 years old

More by gracebats

  • At The End

    At the end of the day it’s the one who knows which gas station beverage you want
    At the end of the day it’s the one who got you through your hardest classes, even when they weren’t taking it

  • Theology

    Religion is girlhood

    God is a teenage girl screaming the names of the people she used to love at the sky

    Worship is dancing and celebrating while still being upset

  • My Childhood Home

    My childhood home is filled with plants,

    plants that we never water

    but are somehow still alive.

    Its island is littered with junk mail,

    different types of olive oil,

    stray flakes of salt,