
I am terrifyingly smitten with you
You make butterflies flutter around my stomach
And my cheeks grow pink
Sometimes I even think
You take the air out of my lungs

I want you to dance with me
At any hour of the day
I want you to brush a stray hair out of my face
And for you to whisper sweet nothings to make me feel better

You're my favorite notification
You light up my phone
And my day in return

You have me swooning 
For absolutely no reason
But I want to talk to you
And for our friends to giggle about how we act as parents

I like you so much I'm scared
I don't want to lose you
Or make you run away
Because I am disgustingly smitten
I like the butterflies
And our friends jokes
Because it means I have you



18 years old

More by gracebats

  • At The End

    At the end of the day it’s the one who knows which gas station beverage you want
    At the end of the day it’s the one who got you through your hardest classes, even when they weren’t taking it

  • Theology

    Religion is girlhood

    God is a teenage girl screaming the names of the people she used to love at the sky

    Worship is dancing and celebrating while still being upset

  • My Childhood Home

    My childhood home is filled with plants,

    plants that we never water

    but are somehow still alive.

    Its island is littered with junk mail,

    different types of olive oil,

    stray flakes of salt,