


YWP Alumni


  • Winking Smiles

    I always forget now
    that they can't see the smile
    whenever they wave
    and my lips turn up in response

    I've never been one
    to communicate with my voice
    joy is hard to put into words
    without sounding too cheesy
  • Unbidden

    they well up
    Liquid diappointment
    all muddled together
    makes shame and anger
    at the world, at myself
    at life
    becomes xyresic blades
    slicing up the girl inside
    puncturing holes in my fabricated 
  • i failed.

    But you know what?
    At least I failed epicly
    so spectacularly
    that the best he could say is
    "At least you played the notes right"

    they were not in tune
    nor to any rhythm
    Does this make me a failure?