


18 years old


  • brown-eyed girl

    I'm a brown-eyed girl 

    loves adventures 

    yet afraid of the unknown

    I'm a romantic who hates real life

    I'm a brown-eyed girl

    who wishes more love songs

    said brown-eyed instead of blue

  • Girl problems

    i don't always like being a girl 

    it's hard 

    always making sure my hair is in place 

    i can't dress so all my curves can be seen

    but i can't wear xxL

    i don't want to be wrong

  • pretty

    you're so pretty

    and i pray every night

    that you won't cry again

    about those pounds gained

    or those pimples

    in the feather-soft skin of your cheeks

    it hurts me 

    how you forget

  • Getting good

    i'm getting good

    at smiling like it's no big deal

    i can laugh and joke

    i'm getting good

    at masking my pain 

    pretending everything's alright

    makes it easier 

    to get through today. 


  • Him

    His bittersweet taste,

    Pressed on my lips.


    His alluring voice,

    Captivating my ears.


  • breakdown

    i’ve been dancing alone a little too long

    my resilience corroding with each blink

    i haven’t broken down like this since

    well i don’t expect myself to remember

    the stars were the elation

  • Wistful Words

    Poetry used to fall from my earthy lips like flowers.

    My words were lightning

    My hands thunder

    My tears like glass and waterfalls

    Falling heavily onto each chalky page.

    But now my tears are salt