


16 years old


  • Nature's Sorceress

    The woman in the emerald green dress
    With mud skin and sunshine hair, plants daisies
    Grass sways to the rthyme of her soft finesse
    Mother's love blooms like wallpaper paisleys

    Animals erupt from great happiness
  • The Paper

    Axe on the floor
    Blood envelops my hand
    "Follow me," the paper said
    Sirens wail
    Water veils
    "Follow me," the paper whispered
    An emotional twister
    I wanted something better
  • The Memory of Christmas

    Frosty cold crystals dance down from the soft gray sky
    Frosting the deep blue cake
    Plump green wreaths live on street lamps and doors
    Towering evergreens are hauled into houses shedding needles on the floor
  • Watermelon Seeds

    When I was younger, I was told
    That if you eat the seeds of a watermelon
    One grows in your stomach. 

    A tsunami of panic flooded my veins
    Knowing something would grow in me as I ate. 

  • Writer's Block

    In the perfect mood with nothing to write.
    Ideas swarm like bees in my head but none ever take flight.
    My fingers, bent, glare down at the keyboard
    As its letters taunt me about not having good ideas in my head.