What Happens?
What happens when we all lose hope?
When we stop believing that it'll all work out?
What happens then? -
Am I just different?
What does it mean to be different?
What does it mean to stand out, to not be like the rest?
In this day and age what is different? -
Growing Up
When I was born I was promised the world
But I was born into a world
Where my parents grew up to only survive
Where family to my mom was merely blood
But to my father was more than life -
What do we want?
If I had everything I wanted
Would I have it all?But what do you want in life?
Not me
Not him
Not herWhat do you want?
To Say Goodbye
If I had to say goodbye
I wouldn't know what to sayWould I embrace you
Like we used to
Or is the tension in the air pulling us away from that -
What Happened?
Do you still remember me?
After all these hours that turned into days
That turned into months then years
Do you still remember?
Sometimes We Stay Outside
Sometimes we stay outside
on your front steps.
It’s peaceful there.
There are no cars
or stomping feet.
There are no dishes
psalm 151
i would like to write a psalm made of salt dedicated to whomever Lot’s Wife really was.
for people cannot be made of perfection
and people cannot be made to never hold grudges. what if
a lesbian couple on my bus home from school
a man in a punk battle jacket on the street
my mother's female CEO group chat blowing up
four of my teachers taking the following day off
winter coming
winter's coming on fast —
better chop enough wood.pluck the last fruits of the harvest —
then say goodnight to the garden,
resting under a blanket of leaves and love. -
When best friends of old
become polite passersby
still give them a smile and let your heart be full
for theirs are broken too
and need to be reminded to mend.
Great America
Make America Great Again
With a dictator and fascism
We choose hatred over empathy
Just to protect our weaponry
So screw Trans right and wildlife