Scarry Night

Scarry Night


16 years old


  • Why Can't I Wonder

         There have been many instances in which one faces trouble, and many try to avoid it. However, there is one person who never dodges a question, who never gets herself out of an event.
  • Perfect for me

    When someone says 
    many immediately think
    They hear the word,
    and they picture no
    no issues, 
    nothing to worry about.
    But how perfect 
    would this world truly be,
  • Any Other Day

    an exciting day,
    that I always look forward to,
    that I always get excited about,
    no matter the circumstance.
    The costumes,
    the candy,
    the friends,
    The chill of brittle air
    against my fingers,
  • My Eyes

    For so long,
    I have listened to others,
    others' opinions,
    others' words.
    I have heard them 
    I have heard them debate,
    and I have only 
    wished a single thing,
    to be able to know
    what I agree with.
  • Autumn Wonder

    When I wake up,
    when my eyes open
    for the first time in hours,
    I prepare for the day ahead.
    I brush my hair,
    brush my teeth,
    eat breakfast,
    get dressed.
    And when I go outside,
    I stare at the brittle grass,