The Zealous Tea Blender
I slept with my window open last night.
I shivered under the thick yellow covers.
Hard starlight and
the wet dregs of dirt,
of everything;
an over zealous tea blender’s
inebriated laugh. -
Cultural Density
Culture is collective accomplishments made within the confines of laws and traditions. These rules are essential, without them we would have no frame for interpretation. -
Who I Am as a Writer
I grew up in the worlds of Narnia, Middle Earth, Hogwarts, and Prydain. I knew the mythologies of these imaginary universes better than those of my own reality. -
I have always loved the smell of hard-won warmth: dusty blankets, savory stew, all the various fragrances that can be distilled in a pot of boiling water. -
Dry Flowers
I found a pamphlet of thick cream paper
on a dusty undershelf of the poetry aisle.
Like dried out flowers,
the words used to be wet.
I read each word twice,
waiting for them to bloom.