


17 years old


  • The Muffin

    Steam rises in
    billowing sheets up
    from the toasty warm muffin
    cradled in my hands.

    Velvety soft chocolate 
    awakens my taste buds
    smooth, soft and rich as
    it fills my whole body with glee.

  • Bubble Me

    Slipping, squeaking, like a small mouse I run, no gravity to pull me down. The sides give under my hands and feet, the air perfectly balanced inside, so unlike me. The shining glare of the sun on its glassy rubberlike walls burns my eyes.
  • Make Me Believe

    Where has all hope gone?
    The one source of energy 
    to our sorry world.

    Make me believe
    there is still reason to be
    waiting for better days.

    When will I know
    the world really does
    spin on its axis?
  • Fever

    The whirls of motion
    rising through the air
    panic following.

    Screams swallowed 
    by the billowing wind
    that echos against cliffs.

    Wild and scarred faces
    all around me
    searching for new life.​
  • Yellow Clay (Finished)

         My hands find grip against the rough piney bark, sap sticking my fingers together as I reach up pulling myself into it's limbs. My wrist blinks and throbs with pain as I climb onto the nearest bow and breathe the forest air.