Opinion & Commentary
What climate changes are you seeing or directly experiencing now? (Photo by Igor Lepilin on Unsplash)
Opinion & Commentary
What climate changes are you seeing or directly experiencing now? (Photo by Igor Lepilin on Unsplash)
every second I think
this is the oldest I have ever been
this is the youngest I will ever be again
this second is gone this one too
Right now we are living in a world where we use fossil fuels to run our lives. But this needs to change!
Behind the walls,
behind the fences.
Behind the perfect,
the imperfections.
Swallow my pride,
I am not
The feeling of the warm breeze
As the trees begin to die
And the red bleeds into the sky
As the icebergs melt and cry
The skies that were blue
You sit
in the corner of my room,
stretched thin across canvas,
and frozen
in your forgotten poise.
The sky was red.
Okay maybe it wasn’t completely red.
Kinda orange.
A scene from "Dune" when you think about it.
Just bizarre.