time travelers

Write a short story or poem about a time traveler or time travelers. Where and when are they going? Where and when are they coming from? What are they going to do when they get there? Try to include as many historical/futuristic details as possible!! I would really enjoy responding to this challenge and I'm already planning out a story in my head!

Posted in response to the challenge Create a Challenge.



11 years old

More by OverTheRainbow

  • heaven

    and here i thought we were all going to die someday;


    our corpses (sacks of what used to be our livelihood, exhales of what used to be our lives) will 

  • Autumnal

    the world is colder than before

    north winds exhaling dragon breath across the valley and

    my doorstep where i wait for the bus (bumblebee against concrete),

    rubbing my hands together and