Great Nullification

Every vow cried to the tip of a saber,

Every soul sold to a higher or lower power,

Every road paved to lead others astray,

Is nullified.




From this time of nullification to the next. 


Every oath binding one to evil,

Every howl of a newly widowed, 

Every lie declared to be carried for eternity,

Is turned to dust of the land.




From this time of dust to the next.


Every set of red eyes apprehended to never see the light,

Every child jumping off a bridge into the arms of a winged mother,

Every torch lit to join the mob,

Is redeemed.




From this day of redemption to the next.


This poem is heavily inspired by the poem and religious text ” כק נדרי Kol Nidre.” This text was written to acknowledge and redeem Jews who were forcibly converted to other religions and declare all promises they made to another God(s) null and void.

shalev smokler


13 years old

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