Tiny Writes
Does anyone have any ideas on what theme ideas or topics I should try writing about? I've posted quiet a bit on here and a lot of it is kinda sad and I don't think a lot of people enjoy reading my sad writing, and I want to write things people enjoy. So if anyone got ideas thanks!
I love sad writing. Write whatever comes to you, but if it's sad, that's fine! I'd rather write something no one read that I was proud of than something a bunch of people loved but I didn't resonate with.
That makes a lot of sense! Thank you, I will just write what comes to mind!
I completely agree with what bumblebea said. You should write what you want to write, not worry about what others think of your writing.
I will try not to think about what other people want to read and just worry about what I like to write, thank you!
Your welcome!
yeah, I agree with bumblebea and ghostslayer, write what you want! sad writing is honestly so relatable (like, for everyone, should I be concerned? :p) but if you want to write happier, then I suggest getting your own suggestions from friends or family. I do this thing at school where people can drop suggestions into this little box I have and I write them a poem, oftentimes also posting it here, and it really helps get over writer's block!
That's a really cool idea! I don't really know if I want to write happier it's just like any time I show someone my writing they are always like "why is it all so sad?" Or "who hurt you?" And than I feel like I shouldn't be writing it
ohhhhh well they're dumb :(( people always assume poets lives are so sad and depressing but really sometimes the feelings just come out on the page and you can't stop it. everyone is sad and everyone is dark sometimes, and everyone is also happy and optimistic sometimes, so keep writing :p
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