"Please take care of my human,"
the old cat whispers to the kitten.
"They are scarred and broken.
Until my return,
take care of my human."
The kitten is listening attentively,
but she doesn't understand much of what the old cat is saying.
"They never forget your meals nor cleaning the bathroom."
"They always check in on you,
no matter if you're under their bed,
or sleeping on the living room couch,
or even if you don't want to be checked on.
They always check in on you.
They always know where to scratch you when you itch,
and they will always make time for you."
"Please keep my human warm as they do not possess fur.
Give them company when they feel lonely.
And lick their hand when they are crying."
"Please take care of my human,
until my return."
The old cat's bed sinks with his weight.
the little kitten sniffs around.
Please take care of my human.
The kitten understands.
She cuddles close to the human with a purr,
she keeps them warm like the old cat did,
she keeps them happy like the old cat did,
she will do everything the old cat did until his return.
Anything for the human.
omg that is so touching 🥲
I've always wanted a pet cat when I was younger, and I really hope that when I do get one, it'll be like this old cat and kitten 😺
Many people tend to depict cats as mean, selfish, and lazy (I still don't see why), but this poem beautifully depicts the other side of that <3
Question: Will the old cat ever return?
thank youu <33 i love cats but sadly my old cat recently died so i made this for him!! to answer your question, the old cat will return one day, it'll take time but he will return :)
Yay! :D
(PS sorry to hear that you're cat died. Ur poem is beautiful tho!)
I love this! I feel like it can even apply to people, too, like a parent-figure telling a younger person to take care of the world. Amazing work.
thank youu <3
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