
Each word is a chain

Wrapping around me

Trapping me in this idea

You have created

There are no keys to unlock

Me from your grasp

Only my words

Can undo your chains

But I'm tired

Of fighting

I have wasted many breaths

On this

Begging you to unlock

The chains

That you have made

With your words

Every glance you give me

Another barrier

Your eyes as cold as ice

But my eyes have lost their fire

I am trapped

I am no longer trying to get out

All I want is to survive


Unwrap your chains of words

Lower your eyes

Now you know why I can never leave

Posted in response to the challenge Leave.



12 years old

More by Gali

  • Each time

    Each time a leaf falls

    Another heart shatters

    Each time the wind blows

    Another break up

    But each time a pumpkin is carved

    A date is planned

    Each time a cider donut is devoured

    Another kiss

  • I Just Really Like You

    Hand in hand we walked down the path, littered with colorful leaves. A gust of wind swirled the leaves around us. Encompassing us in our own little world. I looked up, the trees bent over us with shades of red, orange and yellow.

  • Anxiety

    Tendrils of anxiety 

    Snake out 

    And trap me 

    Opening a hole 

    Where my brain 

    Goes down 

    Finding everything 

    That could go wrong 

    A new crack in me