Come Back

Inspired By My Own Book Series

I remember

The gentle touch of your skin

Fingers interlaced

Hearing your voice

Soft and caressing

Meeting your gaze

Your eyes oceans

Filled with stories 

I long to hear again

Conversations we once had

Replaying in my mind

Hoping you’ll come back

To this world we share

Hoping you’ll stay




13 years old

More by Lulu_D

  • We Pretended

    As the days got darker

    And the sun stopped shining

    We became closer


    As the clouds became grayer

    And the rain started falling

    We pretended

  • Gone

    Inspired By My Book Series

    My hands are shaking

    My mind is racing

    And my heart is torn in two

    I don’t know how

    To live without you


  • Strife

    Inspired By My Own Book Series

    She picks up her pen and paper 

    Telling the story of her life 

    She hopes one day they’ll listen