Dear America

Dear America,

The dictionary definition of democracy is

government by the people

Basically everyone gets a choice

A say

But is this country

Influencing that

In everyday life


Everytime I walk into school

I pull my shirt down

And pull my sweatshirt over my shoulders

Because the principal

Told me to zip up my coat

Along with the shop teacher


Is my belly button


Is it affecting the learning of others?

Then they need to learn self  control

I don't need to zip up my coat

Everytime I walk past the student lounge

I put my head down

And walk fast

Because the boys like to tease

And taunt

So I walk faster

Because I have to change my ways

Instead of them

Even though they're the ones


They would text my friend

For my number

For who knows what

To mock me

To say they have a crush on me

And laugh

After class

When I walk down the stairs

And in the hallways

A boy would

Step on my heels

And get closer and closer

Then he ran

His friend laughing

Everything I do

I looked at


Commented on

Along with every other girl

Is this what boys are taught?

That shoulders and a belly button

Could make them fail a test

And women are for their eyes

Their enjoyment

Do they enjoy

Taunting us

Making us feel insecure


But everyday

I go to school

I let them pelt me

With comments

But I still go

I still wear crop tops

And walk past the student lounge

Walk down the hallways

As I think

Is this what our country has become?

A place where I can't walk into school

Without being commented on

A place where democracy and equality

Is as rare as a shooting star

A place where boys think its ok

To taunt me in the hallways

A place where I experience

The absurdity of this in rural VT

America please tell me

What happened to

The American promise

The amendments

That were written by hand

Not so long ago

Was any of it true?

Because I'm tired

Of being commented on

And looked at

Like I'm an object

I should get a say

In the democracy

Of not just the whole country

But my everyday life

Because I don't

And I should


One of the many girls who gets commented on in the hallways

Posted in response to the challenge Democracy & Ethics – Writing.



13 years old

More by Gali

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    Head towards the sky

    Eyes open

    Hearts open

    Looking for a shooting star

    A spark of equality

    A spark of freedom

    Eyes search the sky

    Spend hours searching



    Wishing to wish