
Inspired By My Book Series

My hands are shaking

My mind is racing

And my heart is torn in two

I don’t know how

To live without you


You’ve been here all my life

But suddenly you’re gone

You were the only one who cared about me

How can I move on?


You were there like no one else

And when they threw us in the dirt

You took my hands and promised me

You’d never let me get hurt


Through all the ups and downs

You were by my side

You were only trying to protect me

And by doing so, you’ve died


So I’m crying beside your corpse

Begging you to hold on

But deep down

In my head

And in my heart

I know you’re already gone.



13 years old

More by Lulu_D

  • We Pretended

    As the days got darker

    And the sun stopped shining

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    As the clouds became grayer

    And the rain started falling

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  • Strife

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    She picks up her pen and paper 

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    She hopes one day they’ll listen 

  • Goodbye

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    This is goodbye

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    This is goodbye