the good girls club
where the happy girls cry
and the strait A students have some down time
where the perfect act falls
and the sad girl comes in
for a moment or two
because good girls don't fit in
like the other kids
and people think that its fine
cause they have homework
and afterschool stuff
and its fine cause they're smart
no, these girls don't quit
and they don't even mind
because of course they love it
these girls don't have burnout,
at least that you see
you'd say that they're perfect
but behind the scenes
these girls are the ones who drown out the world
in music and pinterest and books and in poems
they seem so innocent but nobody knows
cause these girls don't show you when they are fazed
the work of a good girl is not so easy
constantly having to be good at everything
because when your the smart kid a B is an F
and anything other than perfect is mediocre at best
so the good girls club
where you're allowed to be fine
is the space where the good girls
don't have to keep lying
until they finally
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