5 pm
Is a time of day where it's not quite night yet.
Some would say, The day is young.
Others would argue, the day is over.
They will get in their cars and drive home to their families.
At 5 pm, I, a sixteen year old, can still run the streets.
The sun still lights a path to "greatness" yea great danger.
That's why at 5 pm you should go home.
Hang up your hoodie, Kick your converse to the side and be a kid. Cause its 5 pm.
The day's over, go home.
Cause its 5 pm.
Love the twist in this. Sometimes returning to childhood feels like going outside, going outside the constructs of adult society into the fresh air of wonder blah blah blah... but sometimes it DOES feel very much like going inside as well, to safety, to the adventure you create in your own livingroom.
This is just one poem from my collection im writing. I really appreciate you commenting because it makes me feel like people actually read my work. So thank you.
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