I’ll say it: I hate our president
All my life, people have written me off as
“possessed” and
And while yes
I am different
I am not possessed
I am disabled
I am not antisocial
I am depressed
I’ve heard their whispers
The cruel
Cruel whispers of things a child simply should not hear
I’ve been kicked out of public bathrooms
Because I’m not “a girl”
And I am afraid to use the men’s bathroom
Because “a girl” is all they’d see me as
I’ve been body shamed by teachers
Humiliated in front of class
All because they see me as less than human
Less than what they are
Because they can’t wrap their heads around
My “choices”
Because that’s how they see it
Being a “r****d”?
A choice
Being a “f****t?
A choice
Being “broken”?
A choice
These are not choices
These are truths
Truths about myself that I should not have to hide
But because of the laws and choices of one man
One man who took an oath
An oath to protect this country
To keep the people within it safe
Yes, because of the choices of ONE MAN
I find myself with fewer and fewer rights
Fewer and fewer things within my control
He would have me hide or be hidden
Hate or be hated
Bleed myself
Or make another bleed
I’d never thought I would
Or even COULD
Hold so much hatred in my heart for just one man
But I guess when you’re waiting to be stripped of your right to be alive
You have plenty of time to seethe
I’ll say it: I hate our president
Posted in response to the challenge Human Rights – Writing.
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