Dolls, who you dress up in pink and white,
dolls, who you take to the park or on a flight,
dolls, who are made of plastic and cloth,
they are always so girly, never unique or even goth.
My World
My world, was full of happiness and bright
my world, comforting from daylight to night.
my world, seeing animals ripping people into bloody tears,
I know now that they shouldn't be my biggest fears.
Perfect, as golden long hair and light blue eyes
perfect, as a light complexion, as she is as graceful as a bird flies.
perfect, as cute as a doll.
But this, may not be perfect for some at all. -
Waiting, still in a chair
waiting, looking through the window watching clouds dance in the air
For only the ticking of the clock can be heard
As nothing else can seem to be stirred. -
A Small Little Rocket
A small little rocket, stands still
compacted and dark it is on the hill
when the flame invokes its spark,
the sky is no longer dark.
For it and its friends soar into the sky
and their personalities are really shown
Dear America
Dear America,
The dictionary definition of democracy is
government by the people
Basically everyone gets a choice
A say
But is this country
Influencing that
In everyday life
I’ll Say It: I Hate Our President
I’ll say it: I hate our president
All my life, people have written me off as
“possessed” and
And while yes
I am different
I am not possessed
I am disabled
The Law That Ruins Lives
I'm 13 years old
I have literally watched
States make it illegal
To get abortion
Most of the people
Making and signing
The laws
Are men
Last time I checked
The battle
When I was younger
Not yet a teenager
I was
Unprepared and fragile
I had no armor
No ammunition
And yet I was put into
A battle
Me against
Every single person
So, I can't be touched.
I was in health class, and we were doing a group activity. In my group, there was a girl who had been teasing me the day before. I was weary of her, but decided to give her a second chance. I almost wish I hadn't.